Sunday, April 09, 2006

Emo puppy...

Originally uploaded by Tigole Bitties.

I'm guessing he's Indie anyway..

I've been wondering lately on and on about a lot of things. One the them being, if by one knowing one wants more? craves for more? does knowledge brings a need for cuantity?? or in the meatter for anything at all to happen, to exist, to be?

I 'll never ask and wait for an answer but if I could, wich I can but just wont, could it be that people were the same that we are now, but before? Is there any posibility that they wanted any of the things we wants now? By things I mean not only material but spiritual. Is posible that they needed someone if they had "no idea" of how anything worked? Did they closed their eyes when a piece of breast came along or saturate their minds with happy thoughts when a certain girl or boy walked by ?

I would love to know what it was to be lusty when they were young. I beat hidding it must have so much fun, they never really cared much about it. I could have lived the 2o's and started something big, really have created something to remember not chessy, just cute. A mess with out a scary or perverted reason in the end. "A mass of contradictions in a golden frame".

I know its alot of pics, the thing is I found a way to upload them directly from the website and its the only way to copy/paste them into my computer jeje. Watch the movie, the one with Penelope Cruz and Charlize Theron I dont the name jeje, its suppose to be in the movie list right now, its fun so far jeje. Its so The Dreamers, but with two girls and just one guy...

0 Gente dice...: