Friday, April 27, 2007


It hurts to fail. Thats a common knowledge feeling. I guess it is stuck inside the collective imaginary. Its just one of those things. Today I feel as if I had failed. It sucks. Its like a huge weight on top of me right now. Sometimes you have to listen to people around you and realize that its you who is wrong, its you who made the wrong choice. Lets play the Clare part and say see through it, duel in to the melancholy of it and then, let it go. Its ok to make mistakes, as long as coming out of them leaves you with an out standing answer. I don’t think I know what my answer is this time. I just feel like I’m standing in the middle of things (literally, with out a signature I’m only half way) I’m not this or that and I left the one “thing” that made me feel as if I had taken a path, a choice of my own. And now it sounds wrong. It was a waste in resources and of trust.
The one thing that came out of it is great in a moral, inspiring, group-bonding sort of way but that doesn’t mean anything to the rest. In the end, it will only be seen as a mistake. Why do I feel like everything I do lately is just that, a mistake? I've made tons of them, but this time they're really starting to get heavy.

2 Gente dice...:

humantree said...

Context is always needed. Now that I got it, I can give you something more than the usual (yet sincere) carebears.
It really doesn't matter how the thing is seen, what matters it what it means. And there are a lot of things we can learn about 'mistakes', even if I don't consider this issue to be a major one. I could never think of it as that, it would be against my gratitude towards life.
Maybe you're right, it was your fault, fine. But it has, at least, one identified origin, and is against that we must fight, even if it hurts, because that is the path for freedom, and I'm not being poetic this time.

So, come on, live it, feel it, but put some perspective as well, and you'll see there is not such a waste of resources and trust in this.
As I said, great things can not be measured.

And I know, is so easy to come up with ideas when you're outside... but that's our duty. Because I want you outside too.

Luvya, quiero chilaquiles. YA!

d:ego said...

People make mistakes, I actually believe most of the things we do are wrong in some way. There are very few instances for perfection and "correct" in life.
But mistakes are not always a bad thing, they can actually be beautiful. Coming from the weaknesses of the human being, from its vulnerability, they remind us of the imperfection of our existence. It is always a good feeling to realize we have made one and try again.
But mistakes are different than failures, failures are the disappointment of the self. And to fail is to betray oneself... if you feel that way, then get back in track, allow yourself to stand up once more...