Sunday, March 15, 2009

I just want my pants back

Hace un rato leí un libro acerca de que un chico de Nueva York que busca sus Dicki'es, en otras palabras, sus jeans favoritos. Buscando si había subryado algo encontré esto.

"A very close friend once told me that the most important things in life happen when you're just hanging out. What I think she meant was, well, you can have a good time with just about anyone on a roller coaster, or at the Super Bowl, or inVegas. But it's really how you feel in the little moments you're standing on a line at the DMV, or when you're sick with the flu, or who you can still have fun with while, say, having a heated debate about the pros and cons of wedding appetizers, well," I paused, "That`s something"

I guess Im lucky then.

I just want my pants back- David J Rosen

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