Friday, April 17, 2009


There is a blog I read; it's about a women, Penelope, she is a writer, for what I've read she went to writting school and struggel a lot. Well, now she has a blog that is mostly about getting-a-job advice and how-to-not-feel-like-your-life-is-in-a-whole or how-to-see-things-in-a-better-light. Ussually her advices or comments have to do with that kind of topics, and if it weren't because I'm always trying to see a way out of where I am or the fact that she really knows how to say it -kinda yells at you for being a slaker and then pats your back and says it'all gonna be fine- I woulnt read it at all.
Some times, the way it has to be, her personal life get's in between her advices and the readers end up knowing about her divorce, her farmer boyfriend and how someone wanted to buy the link to that entry or the 25 year old guy that wanted to date her so she could get him a job. Well, this morning she spoke of a guy she is "seeing" -because only at the end of a reflection could she see that she is dating him- and there was something that ring true.
She wrote:

"He sent me a quote about how we each vibrate a certain way and we find our vibrational match. I told him I think that’s true, but I vibrate like an insane person. And I worry that I am attracting my vibrational match for insanity and that if I could just get more sane, I’d attract a different match. He pointed out the obvious: I will probably not get more sane. “This is just you,” he said.
And then I got happy that he is stable and calm and largely unshakable, when I am often shaking as much as I can."

Yes, we attrack our vibrational matches. I dont know what Im supposed to be calling for. Better said, I know the kind of people I attract, I just dont know why I attract them!
I have a friend that once, when he was just broken up with his boyfriend and was kinda down/broken/filled-with-someone-just-broke-my-heart-epiphanies and we were discussing just this; how when you feel like shit and you walk into a bar there are all this people and the one who sees you is the one who is picking up that you feel like shit and is probably not too good a match.
And so, maybe this is all rambling but given the latest news, I wonder what kind of people do I attrack and why, I mean, I know that sometimes I go falling right into the rabbits whole even when I know that I should just be running like a mad women to the opposite direction but, usually, I dont even know that there is a whole in the floor to fall into! Is there something about me that screams, Come over, I will welcome you people with deep scared issues? Do I look like I can fix them?
I used to think that I looked like the kind of person that needs to be rescued or saved, specially if it was a stranger who did the looking. I thought they wanted to feel like they could save someone because in their worlds, acting like a hero was beyond what they could do and I made it easy with my endless rambling and silly never ending drama.
But now I realize, that maybe that wasn't it. Maybe there was something more I just dont know what it is...

That day we were also discussing what happens when people gets stuck in something or more like someone. I figured, just like it is easy to keep someone close when you know there is something, even if you don't feel it too, it is also easy to keep someone close when there is nothing. Its easier to keep the drama on and on and just say, this is alright because of waht ever reason. This can be an excuse to not look around you and try to find something else. It sucks to be in that stage where you dont have anyone to feel for, not even to be interested in so, knowing that there is someone safe to keep your interest on its just.. well that, safe..I guess. He said people gets additec to things, like conflict, drama being included; you just need a fix of something going on and its easy to take it from there.

If someone wants to read Penelope's blog, which I highly recommend, the link is here. And if Im wrong, please correct me because, I just dont know anymore.

4 Gente dice...:

humantree said...

Pues a Doña Penelópe la tengo en mi reader gracias a ti, y tiene grandes puntadas, además de motivarme a largarme de esta oficina cada vez más.
Y sobre la gente rara, se me acaba de ocurrrir que tu gran frase sobre las cosas extrañas que le suceden a la gente extraña, implica también atracción y proyección. Hay mucho de autoconceptos y percepciones en ese tipo de "vibraciones"...
No es que me ponga yo muy fan de la ley de la atracción, pero si creo que limitamos nuestro espectro y posibilidades en función de lo que creemos que somos.
Y no, no emites esa imagen de persona que necesita que la rescaten. Just for you to know.
Si se me ocurre algo más te "contactaré" en medio de nuestros malentendidos.
te quierooooo

humantree said...

uyyy ya nos vamos a la cafetería...

*~PinkTangerine~* said...

Y si no soy nada? osea, si nos limitamos según lo que creemos que somos..y si no soy nada? debo de ser algo a la fuerza? si me limito a lo que creo que soy entocnes..qué he sido hasta ahora? perdón pero derepente me llegan las dudas ;)

une pétite étoile said...

we totally vibrate each other.... I do believe that... as we once read "we accept the kind of love we think we deserve" so I think we accept the kind of people and relationships we think we deserve... then we get lucky, and we find each other... love ya!