Wednesday, November 09, 2005

On family

It is strange to think that family is the people who lives closer to you than anybody ells, I dont think they are. I dont really know who family is but I can tell that it is certantly suppose to mean something more just people, strangers , together... that sounds more like school or work, there are no real links between them to actually connect them but the fact that they are in the moment in the same plce and have to well, share it.

Any way, there are things like that in here because, there are situations that freak me out; like something simple called life and death.
There is a guy, it is suppose to be Barz Lurman, wether thats the spelling or not, that says that you should "stick to your brothers and sisters, there are your best link to the past and the most likely to stay with you in the future" ad he is right.

What happens when we start to get lonelly and alone? Maybe we will need our "family" later on, more than we see now, and when that happens they wont be around, and we ll run to the ones that are left with us, to our brothers and sister. What happens with the ones who were born alone? The ones with no aparent ties to some other being.

I guess we ll look for the confort in the ones we think of as family, but they have their own families, ones that requier them to be there only for them. Its funny and ridiculus, I dont care, as they say, in the end everyone looks only after themselves. I guess I would too, I just dont know if I would. Thats the whole thing about being alone and finding acceptance in someone other than us, maybe thats what truly makes us be around here and try our best. WE REALLY HAVE TO STOP LIVING FOR OTHERS¡¡¡

Dont sweat it anyway, one day you ll see it, and then you ll think , like normal people does, that it doesnt matter, that it is just an illusion...

*You'll sit alone forever If you wait for the right time What are you hoping for? *
Jimmy eat the world- 23

0 Gente dice...: