Tuesday, November 22, 2005


In my hand I read my life
In my wrist I hold my friends
In my arm I keep the veins that connect
My life and my brain

If I give off my hand
Please don’t shake it off
Treat it as if it was yours and
Don’t let it fall to the side

If I break my wrist
Please mend it and know
That I will forever carry the bandage
That you made

If I slash my veins…
If I slash my veins and they can not longer hold the line that connects my brain to my hand…

Then I won’t ever write again
The stories in my head will be emty of emotion
And the line that goes on to my heart will stop its way

If I slash my veins and break my wrist and give someone my hand
Please let me know that I did so
Please wake me up
Please hold my hand…

0 Gente dice...: