Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Resolutions

I have never been the kind of person who stands at 12 o clock sharp and eats 12 grapes, takes a broom and sweep out or even runs around the house with a suitcase. To be honest that kind of traditions mean pretty much the same done in valentines or new years or any other holiday that implies believing, as for the years resolutions that everyone makes; isnt losing weight something people says to themselves like every weak?
But as you , if any one reads this, know, I ve been kind a lost on wich direction I should be going to and what to do and how to deal with what ever it is I have to deal with.
So i've made some real resolutions this year, even if they last for some small time and those are¡¡:
!- Get busy with school. This is actually important because of resolution #2
¡¡- Go and get somewhere to go abroad to, it doesnt even matter if it is for a month in a little town 3 hours from here. Hopefully I ll get away with the Paris thing. I seriously think it would be fun and all that. I would love it.
¡¡¡- Dads conditions and first comment about France, "You dont know anything about desing" so, to humor him, humor me and do something good and not idle, Im going to fashion desing school¡¡
And Im planning on loving it while it lasts.

And pretty much, oo well write more, download more songs, dont break my computer again (hope for it to be fine this weak) lose weight before february jaja... get someone to care for again, last years love is actually fading, I noticed that the other day, and its all good.
Remember that in the words of Band aids : Its all happening.

So long coming words :HAPPY NEW YEAR
bEing Happy, It doesnT HAppenDs by chanCe It hAppendsBy choiCE

1 Gente dice...:

Anonymous said...

happy new year i guess
nice to hear the love of 2005 is turning off.. BUT explain me the thing about paris you must!!!!
love and tons of hugs!
see u soon