Saturday, May 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by Simon Pais.
Sometimes I feel, like all of us, kinda down. For one reason or an another things dont look very bright or cool. Sometmes I feel like this, as if my voice was screaing inside me but nt making a sound to the others. Friendship is when people eats your new recipe even if its weird. But sometimes, saturday meals happen because with out them I would be home alone, washing socks and watching reruns. Its really patetic in a way you know, I just really feel constipaded; depression spreads and I ve got the flu. And I hate¡ being sick. I wanted to write something beautiful, but I couldnt...
Im "learning" dreamweaver¡¡ Its so weird but so much fun when you can do something, like the doddet wallpaper jeje xoxo.

"When you're away, I'm restless, lonely, wretched, bored, dejected; only here's the rub, my darling dear, I feel the same when you're near."
Samuel Hoffenstein

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