Wednesday, May 17, 2006


We are all little pieces of different things all together, and I beat you too spaace out after a word or a song and think something out of it. Who can we say that knowing someone is actually possible? We take the best and the worst of every situation and make it our own, and after it's long gone, we can pretend we are the same and we are never changed. We are never the same person with different people, but we can be so predictable being with the same ones. I thik the one thing to never forget is that even of we have "multiple personalities" we are still only one, and if we forget one them, we break the whole pack.

~¿Quién necesita un dedo? Tengo una mano y con ella puedo tapar el sol. Es más, puedo agarrarlo y con la otra tomar las estrellas. Puedo aplaudir y en un mismo momento fundir las dos cosas. Los haré uno solo, y el tiempo que ellos rigen se hará nada. Nos podremos olvidar por fin que la vida se termina, y que en algún momento, nosotros también~

*Quiero tropezar. Tocar fondo; que duela de verdad. Que lastime. Las amenanzas no sirven, no voy a rogar. Que se apague la música, que dejen de tocar mi canción...*

~Marriage was invented by Man for Man. It is the perfect way to keep a slave with out pay and with out independence movements. It is the answer for Mankind survival and for unlimited clean shirts~

Okas, es todo por hoy jaja , ya habrá más.. última movie, Desayuno en Plutón, nada uqe ver con Breakfast at Tiffany's o The Breakfast Club jajajjaa

**"Patrick "Kitten" Braden: I knew you were only joking about the roses. And the sweeties. But it was good while it lasted.
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps...
Bertie: What did she realize, Kitten?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs.
Bertie: What's wrong with that?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had...
Bertie: Where?
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto.
Patrick "Kitten" Braden: I knew you were only joking about the roses. And the sweeties. But it was nice while it lasted."** Breakfast at Pluto

2 Gente dice...:

Anonymous said...

from the same today's movie:

- with a man or a woman? (boys or girls?)
- it doesn't matter, what matter is the journey

lets all have breakfast in pluto!

Anonymous said...

from the same today's movie:

- with a man or a woman? (boys or girls?)
- it doesn't matter, what matters is the journey

lets all have breakfast in pluto!