Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Talking 'bout the pink elephant

Banksy LA - Barely Legal
Originally uploaded by K-ron75.
Hablando del Gran Elefante que sí, es rosa! y esta vivo.. en el mismo link está una foto de cerca, esta es la leyenda...

"When you enter the warehouse, you get a little piece of paper that reads, "There's an elephant in the room. There's a problem we never talk about." And then you walk upstairs, and there is actually an elephant... in the room. Pink and gold and munching on carrots.The 37-year-old Indian elephant has been made to stand in a makeshift living room, to blend in to its surroundings.

1 Gente dice...:

humantree said...

yo tengo uno verde con azul y está chiquito y me cuida. hugs!