Thursday, December 28, 2006

Its funny how after listening to many wisdom like words, knowledge that comes after life times and all that kind of mamba jamba all you can do is forget them, missplace them somwhere behind your brain after someone says "Give your love, open your heart... Not your legs"... Seriously, fuck 'em...

2 Gente dice...:

une pétite étoile said...

jajaja.. bueno esta lo maximo la frase... la vdd.. me dio risa.. pero aja... sometimes its very true, however.. its kinda difficult.. ajajja and I guess less harmful in many ways to open your legs than your heart... digo.. me han contado.. jejeje te aamo sis

d:ego said...

Yo sigo admirado... Eso de contenerte sin aventar el teléfono es todo un logro. Still she has filled you with great anecdotes and tales. That phrase is PRICELESSS!!! Sad but true. Illegal, unnecessary, numerous and nasty HUGS for you!!!