Monday, June 01, 2009

The big chai theory

"Let's Chai!"
Sí, se ha convertido en un verbo. Creo que dajaré el espacio abierto para que ustedes lo expliquen, hay quienes lo entienden mejor que yo. Lo único que diré es que me encanta que una taza de té o café pueda decir tanto (no entremos en cuestiones esotéricas, pero tmb!) y que tanto se pueda decir al rededor de ellas. Pocas excusas son tan buenas como "quiero un chai" que además suele implicar ir a un lindo lugar a tomarlo. En palabras de Rodrigo, Have a chai week!

6 Gente dice...:

humantree said...

May the chai be with you.
Be our chai!
Let it chai, let it chai...
Let's chai together.
Two and a half chais.
Chaitanic and Chai Wars.
Y un gran etcétera.
So.. when are we gonna chai again?

Manzana Marina said...

Gone with the chai.
All about chai.
A Chai story.
The silence of the chai.
The sixth chai.
A chai of their own.
King Chai.
2001: A chai oddisey.
Gentlemen prefer chai.

I Chai you all.

MRL said...

Finding chai
Chai E
Chai Story y Chai Story 2
Chai, Inc.

"May the Chai be with you"

*~PinkTangerine~* said...

Y pronto, Chai Story 3!! jeje
I chaied yesterday and this morning, this mornign's wasnt so good.

Rodrigo said...


The war of the chais
Chaiwaka and Chai Solo (Chaiwars characters)
Saving private chai
Chai Kong
Citizan Chai
Lord of the chai, the fellowship of the chai (which is us)
Lord of the chai the return of the chai
Legally chai
Chai side story

y efectivamente un largo etcétera, como sabiamente apunta ChaiTree.

Manzana Marina said...

Chai in Wonderland.
Chai and the chocolate factory (that's specially good)
The last chai
The good, the bad and the chai.
Nightmare before chai.
The night of the chai.
Chai's world.
The science of the chai.
The silence of the chai.
My fair chai.
Bitter Chai.
The good chai.
Chai and predjudice. (One of my personal favorites)

Ok lo acepto, no puedo parar.