Friday, May 11, 2007

A Lack of Color

If a lack of color is the feeling you get when things seam sorta lost and fuzzy, then Im right now sensless. I cant see colors, or smell them or think of how thy should taste.
I loved this song, I think it was in the sony campain before.
This is the last post...
Of the weak.. je.. the more i want to quit the more i remind myself this is the one way of communication I havent stopped ussing and for such matter, the one way I can still communicate. that sucks.. trust me... i m lonely. Wishes, they say, you are not suppossed to speak them up, so dont read this out loud. I wished once for someone else, for that person to find someone or something that made her happy. I thought it hadnt come true, but then i remembered that whishing can be tricky and if not done with detailed, it can come true in a slightly different way you expected it to. I guess it did come true. I shoul be happy. Im not. Im selfish and wrong (but thats another song) and my eyes hurt for all the crying. this time i did cried, lots. there is something peaceful about it.
once i made another whish, and still, the promise it takes to make it real hasnt happend. i think it will. i hope it does any way. if it doesnt i'll blame myself and my whises and my stupid ways of thinking. i whished we could all stay friends for ever, even knowing forever is a lie. for us to be, if not together, close. if together, to feel next to each other and not alone.
frienships are meant for longer i guess, i hope. sometimes, like now, i feel as if i were drifting away, up. like a red ballon, only no one is there to jump, te take my string...

4 Gente dice...:

Ometopía said...

Woooo. Interesante video, me gustó la forma en que se maneja de líneas, muy chido, aunque algo aburrido.
Y vamos, suerte en la vida. Ya tienes vacaciones, disfrútalas como se deben, descansa, duerme... y vete de fiesta cada día de la semana para olvidar las penas.

Jaa na !!

Anonymous said...

En este universo de círculos impenetrables y elitistas de conexiones únicas y discriminación prejuiciosa, existen dos personas: los que sienten y los que no.

Habemos aquellos, como tú, como yo y como marcel, condenados a la tristeza de las reflexiones, al vacío de los corazones que no se llenan con el más dulce y rico de los néctar, a diferencia de los que "no sienten" que aceptan sin titubar el elixir.

Por eso ellos, siempre satisfechos siempre sonrientes, por que no reflexionan, porque no sienten, siempre vivirán bajo la estupidez de su pueril sonrisa vacía.

Nosotros nos guste o no viviremos condenados, tengamos lo que tengamos.

Saludos Mitchell

PDQuerida dama, la felicito porque usted es de las pocas que todavía siente.

une pétite étoile said...

Sis I love very very much, I'm sure that wish has come true... even though the bracelet isnt broken yet.. I love you and already miss u. Don't know when u'll read this but I just want u to know I love u..
(completely agree with the last comment)

Anonymous said...

Está padre, no creo que sea aburrido porque a fin de cuentas comunica algo y hay que estar abierto a ello.
Por cierto el video (no la canción, que también está padre) me recordó a este otro de Brendan Benson, está más ñoño pero también está divertido... y algo siniestro a veces. Y la canción también es buena. Ojalá te guste.