Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ana y Manuel

No sé si ya se los había pasado, pero está re lindo jejeje , bueno.. ;)

Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star

Interested then?

You should know I could have done it
Whne you said yes I said maybe
I could have played you
I could have used you!!!
So easy to do,
no remorse at all
Im not that kind of girl
to be allowed to choose like that
i may just have choosen you
and then
how do I explain
its just a game
I can`t not feel that way
just for a day, maybe
the heart started racing and a race began
but that was just for a day...
After such afternoon, honey
the heart is in only for a game.

Life's weird

La vida es rara, en definitivo.
*Es raro cuando dos personas a las uqe amas te dicen que escuches la misma canción
*Es raro cuando la canción es hermosa.
*Es raro por que ninguno de los dos quiere decirte que "You've got this look i can't describe, You make me feel like I'm alive....Just like a star across my sky, Just like an angel off the page, You have appeared to my life".
*Es raro por que sería lindo que alguien en realidad lo pensara y dijera "oh, te diré que escuches esta canción" jeje
*Y es que a ellos, puedo amarlos sin caer y puedo caer sin amarlos.
*Puedo verlos en mi vida, pero nunca demasiado cerca.
*Y es raro como al final, auqnue ellos y el mundo lo niguen, acaban siendo parte de la misma persona y como al final, sin importar, todos nos repetimos de x o y forma.
* Y sí, "I wanna b rich, I wanna be kitsh, I wanna be the best of myself"

Alguien dijo que "Life is weird, and we are all weird. If someone founds someone whose weirdness is compatible with someone elses weirdness, its called love"

En fin, la vida es rara, pero por alguna razón me muero de miedo de pensar en ella sin mi en este exacto momento, en este segundo, con el frío calando musculos (por que aún no llega a los huesos). Me acuerdo de por que siempre me gustó el frío; cuando hay, puedes sentir cada pedacito de piel empezar a dejar de ser sensible, lo que te causa sensibilidad a saber que hay un pdacito de piel que se des sensibilisa. Puedo saber que existo. Con el calor sólo soy una masa empezando a derretirse. Es caótico.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Interested ¿? I still dont get it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

En clase

Y así termina pasando, que los cuentos se hacen rojos y los ojos verdes. Estr dentro de aquellas lágrimas, naranjas, forjadas en el sol. Las que se cayeron del cielo, las que quemaron la tierra, que hcieron desastres y furias y corajes y berrinches. Y demás. Debe de haber algo más. Perdido entre sabanas y almo-hadas.
De colores se visten los cmapos en la primavera, pero y si ya casi es invierno??
Y así será entonces, con pedacitos de algodón flotando por el aire, con pedacitos de corazón cayendo por toda partes. En fin, que así será y no hay mucho que cambiar. de colores se visten los campos. Y la gente, los paraguas, los autos, los personajes ensangrinetados de Kill bill 1.
Es tan gracioso ver a las personas cuando ven una película, o bueno, una obra, una pintura, un algo que requiera observarse. Y es que se sorprenden tanto! Amo a la gente que se sienta al filo del asiento como si haciéndolo, puediera ver mejor.

-You didnt think it was going to be That easy, did you?-
-For a moment there I did, yes, I did-
-Silly Rabit-

Monday, November 20, 2006

How 'bout it?

Many thoughts call for despearte measures such as making lists. Because there is like no other way to mix things together in to one topic alone. So ... go!

  • I see an empty screen and go blank.

  • I see a filled up screen and wonder "Why can' t I?"

  • The cat is gone. Will be, today, probably. I dont want it to, but there is no other solution really. Everyone's heart is into it, the cat, not the leaving. Still, it's gone.

  • If I can't keep up wiht a cat, How will I keep up with a baby?

  • I had a funny dream last night, people I know and Amy's mom from Everwood. And nude people... ok.

  • Im scared about today.

  • Im scared and started thinking about our ancesters and their belives and how they said that earth goes round and round and there has to be a change every once in a while to keep a sort of balance. Every 100 years. it has never failed, maybe this time it'll take abit less.

  • I saw pretty pics this week.

  • Concert this week.hopping to go.

  • Undercove by Peter Yorn

  • I feel like I dont know anything about nothing. like "I guess we're big and I guess we're small"

  • lost my printed tabs for that song!! ill have print the again.

  • School is almost over. I m sooo happy.

  • Happy for the wrng reasons.

  • Have to tak the Toefl

  • Do You still want to go to Florence?

  • Have pics to fix.

  • Have a short movie to fix

  • Have scenes to shoot still.

  • Im bored. bored is never good. I ve been looking for a blue knife.

  • I want to quit. I feel meaningless. compared to others I am.

  • I wont quit. This is the only thing that keeps us together somehow.

  • Stargirl wants her Space boy... she's lonely.

  • There is sun, blue sky and big puffy white clouds outside my window. Yet, there is a mass revolution of air coming right through it. Had to close the window.

  • I dont have anything interesting to say.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Talking 'bout the pink elephant

Banksy LA - Barely Legal
Originally uploaded by K-ron75.
Hablando del Gran Elefante que sí, es rosa! y esta vivo.. en el mismo link está una foto de cerca, esta es la leyenda...

"When you enter the warehouse, you get a little piece of paper that reads, "There's an elephant in the room. There's a problem we never talk about." And then you walk upstairs, and there is actually an elephant... in the room. Pink and gold and munching on carrots.The 37-year-old Indian elephant has been made to stand in a makeshift living room, to blend in to its surroundings.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


And then the elephant in the room went quiet,
a simple joke for a simple crowd.
The pink on it's ears and face went up,
defining the moment as a turning point.
Still, there's a quiet pink elephant in the room
and it's just better if we dont see it.
And the words to be said are left ..............................................alone
sitting in a corner and laughing
never care about sad little songs,
those come from the place where no body goes.
In code, for those who might ask,
there is a problem with bitter sweet
acid and p.o.r.e.s dont really mix
even if with out each other life goes brown
and light might come but still there is no end to it.
Questions¿? and answers¡! stand on the same line
as un-marked boxes in a playlist inside
a computer, a mind
never mind the never ending list and breaking heart
that words might hurt but still only words are
the friends that make room for others
the family that makes up for the rest
And babbling it goes, as tears do stream down.
Alone in a room, with orange waiting to ring.
Some things just arent meant to be mixed.
Before it's said, the hybrid might want to add
that loneliness is a bitch
silence is overrated and,over all
mistrust is too...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Going back... what a mess

I hate going back to that place.
I guess it’s not their fault but my own. If anyone’s fault at all. Its just that, shouldn’t it be easier? A place where your own life went away, where your soul changed and grew and tried to be happy. It just that after almost 15 years of being in a place, shouldn’t they know you a bit? Shouldn’t they care about you? And then what really happens is the following; girl steps in, woman asks what she wants, does she have an appointment or is someone waiting for her, how has your mother been? I haven’t seen her in ages… Well, everyone’s here still, you should speak with A… oh, wait, she’s coming over.
That’s when they lost me, after 15 years and she talked to me at the door!!! Ok. Not even her office (such a mess there) not that little place where they keep teachers in (where all the people I wanted to see was) no, the door.
Any how, its weird seeing how the people that should remember you the most because they made your exams, they spoke to you as an obligation and opened to door of your classroom every day for 3 years at 6:45 in the morning doesn’t really care. I know we are mostly obligations and still, its weird. It is because the ones that gave you one class, the ones that had to look after you for only 2 hours a week only for a year, they care about you enough to ask how are things, what’s been up with your life, are you coming over to ask for a job? Already?? Say hi to your parents and come back soon.
I guess we live our lives inside institutions all together but, I guess I rather know that it is only a manner of earning money than having it disguises as lovely dovey caring schools.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Ever felt as if you were nothing other than a handful of letters and words inside a blog? The worst part is, they're not even real.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

L'homme de Verre

There is a thing about music that makes us wonder how things would be with out it. Imagine watching Amelie with out Tiersen, or having Pycho or Shark with out that igh-igh-ighhhhhh. I wish I knew a way to write, in words, how music feels or how it sounds. I could at least write it down with notes if I had kept my piano lessons when I was ten, but instead I can only describe the ups and downs.
There is something special about feeling tickles in you. And there’s something about Amelie. I know its just a movie and I know too that this is well known but, it’s still beautiful and finding it on tv on a completely ransom basis makes me happy, every time I watch it, I see different things. Only good movies this week, that’s luck.

“Sans toi, les émotions d'aujourd hui ne seraient que la peau morte des émotions d'autrefois."

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Are You looking closely?

The issue; Magic. The thought; I love it.
When I was a kid we used to go dinning at a Japanese restaurant where meals were served and eaten with sticks. My dad used to take one pair and separate them, then under the table he would take another pair still glued, say abracadabra and voilà, magic!
I used to believe it, actually I did until many years later while he mocked about it and confessed and I couldn’t do anything but admit I had been silly enough to believe him. Which is just fine cause I was a kid.
Any way, there is a new movie about magic and I just loved it!! Its like star parade on screen, dear Scarlet and the girl from Coyote Ugly. The guy from Batman (who we just love!!) and the guy that has played hundreds of roles but I can only remember him from X-men.
I REALLY had many things to say about it and the whole subject but, I kind a forgot..
So--- hugs.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Free Hugs Campaign. Inspiring Story!

Vi esto y me acordé de ustedes. No sé si fue la canción, la viejita, el hombre de apariencia algo sucia (jeje) el letrero y su falta de diseño que mi profe amaría y diría está lleno de él.La policía, las cámaras, el hombre de la patineta... sólo sé que mi corazón empezó a latir a mil por hora ( sin Anahí claro). Tal vez es que los abrazos son uno de los regalos más grandes que se pueden dar y definitivamente el más barato.Me gustán aunque por alguna razón el mundo cree que los odio. La canción es de Sick Puppies y el video salió (a parte de Youtube) de Abrazos entonces ;)